During this course 2011 - 2012 MATHEMATICS is being taught for 4º ESO.


While I was looking for a page where logarithms were explained, I found this webpage, and there they have our whole unit (because logariths are powers, and you must handle them right if you want to understand logarithms). I think it's a good explanation.

I also found this videos about logarithms with a lot of examples and their properties:
EnlaceIntroduction to logarithms
Logarithms properties Part 1
Logarithms properties Part 2

I'd also like to propose some problems. There aren't many problems related to logarithms, so mine won't be very difficult or elaborated:
log a y = c; log a y^2 =??


  1. We are going to learn how to make the graphic like in the point 1.5 of this webpage?

  2. Nicolás González MenesesNovember 18, 2011

    If I solve it, must I comment?
    I think I have the solution, but if I tell it here I'll spoil my partners if they didn't have the solution.

  3. Nicolás,
    I think you should share your solution with your partners and wait for their comments.

  4. Marcos,
    We´ll study some graphs but, not in this unit.

  5. Nicolás González MenesesNovember 19, 2011

    I think the solution is c^2

  6. Nicolás González MenesesNovember 19, 2011

    No, sorry. I misunderstand the problem. I think the solution is "c times 2".

  7. In my opinion the solution is "(a^c).y "

  8. No.... the correct answer is c*2
